
I love how he walks everywhere like running is illegal in california.


Nigel, once a normal man surviving in a crime ridden city completely broke, now millionaire race car driver, sky diver, and toy collector. What a beautiful come-up story...


this once again shows how frustrating real life can be, and the answer to that frustration is to become a formula 1 racer


He took this challenge so literal. He forgot his right to use self defense.


this sounds like a great character: nigel, the bounty hunter who's bounties all die accidentally and thus is not legally responsible for their deaths, all because of his strong moral convictions. hysterical.


Nigel, the man who became a millionaire by doing morally questionable acts yet perfectly legal


what a beautiful story about an innocent man named nigel trying to make ends meet in the corrupt and crime-ridden city of Los Santos. so inspiring that he becomes a racecar driver and surpasses all expectations.


Here are the ones I counted.
Fines and jail time are listed below.

- 2:50 blocking an intersection
- 2:50 participating in a street race
- 2:50 driving slowly in the left lane
- 3:07 (you didn’t count it) but reckless driving
- 3:33 jumping from a moving vehicle (not wearing a seatbelt)
- 4:14 Starting a gun right
- 5:16 unsafe carrying of a firearm
- 6:26 theft of a collectable action figure
- 7:53 did not make radio calls in a controlled airspace
- 8:02 circumventing airport security
- 9:06 stealing from a historical site
- intent to commit manslaughter
- 9:48 bounty hunting without a license
- 10:10 disturbing the peace
- 10:27 intentionally wasting police resources
- 10:40 failure to indicate a lane change
- 10:42 taking a vehicle that can not safely match the speed of the traffic around it on the highway
- 10:55 bounty hunting without a licence
- 1056 stalking with malicious intent
- 10:57 trespassing
- 11:00 not taking reasonable action to defend yourself from an attack
- 11:03 wasting police resources
- 11:32 bounty hunting without a license
- 11:32 stalking
- 11:33 trespassing
- 11:33 disturbing the peace
- 11:33 criminal mischief
- 11:39 intentional aggravation
- 11:53 attempted suicide
- 11:53 attempted manslaughter
- 11:53 intent to commit manslaughter
- 12:35 suicide
- 12:58 bounty hunting without a license
- 12:58 intent to cause bodily harm
- 13:00 attempted manslaughter
- 13:39 murder of the first degree
- 13:44 hitman for hire
- 14:01 failure to comply with law enforcement
- 14:13 attempted murder
- 14:36 attempted murder
- 14:46 hitman for hire
- 14:52 murder of the first degree
- 15:14  attempted murder
- 15:33 murder
- 15:40 hitman for hire
- 15:47 murder
- 15:51  hitman for hire
- 15:57 murder
- 16:05 trespassing
- 16:28 carrying a hidden weapon
- 18:48 failure to file owed taxes


	1.	Blocking an intersection: $238
	2.	Participating in a street race: $1000
	3.	Driving slowly in the left lane: $238
	4.	Reckless driving: $1000
	5.	Jumping from a moving vehicle: $1000
	6.	Starting a gunfight (Attempted murder): $10,000
	7.	Unsafe carrying of a firearm: $1000
	8.	Theft of a collectable action figure (Grand theft): $1000
	9.	Not making radio calls in a controlled airspace: $32,666
	10.	Circumventing airport security: $13,669
	11.	Stealing from a historical site (Grand theft): $1000
	12.	Intent to commit manslaughter: $10,000
	13.	Disturbing the peace: $400
	14.	Intentionally wasting police resources: $1000
	15.	Failure to indicate a lane change: $238
	16.	Stalking with malicious intent: $1000
	17.	Trespassing: $1000
	18.	Wasting police resources: $1000
	19.	Criminal mischief: This is variable depending on the severity of the offense.
	20.	Carrying a hidden weapon: $10,000
	21.	Failure to file owed taxes: $25,000

Total Fines = $111,449 (excluding criminal mischief)


	1.	Participating in a street race: 90 days
	2.	Reckless driving: 90 days
	3.	Jumping from a moving vehicle (Reckless endangerment): 6 months
	4.	Starting a gunfight (Attempted murder): Life
	5.	Unsafe carrying of a firearm: 1 year
	6.	Theft of a collectable action figure (Grand theft): 1 year
	7.	Circumventing airport security: 1 year
	8.	Stealing from a historical site (Grand theft): 1 year
	9.	Intent to commit manslaughter: Life
	10.	Disturbing the peace: 90 days
	11.	Intentionally wasting police resources: 1 year
	12.	Stalking with malicious intent: 1 year
	13.	Trespassing: 6 months
	14.	Wasting police resources: 1 year
	15.	Carrying a hidden weapon: 3 years
	16.	Murder of the first degree: Life
	17.	Solicitation of murder (Hitman for hire): Life
	18.	Attempted murder: Life

Total imprisonment = ~9 years in definite terms + 6 life sentences


When the security gaurd attacked you and gave you a wanted level it was obviously police misconduct and not a crime that was commited. So this challenge is definitely valid.


In 9 minutes Nigel went from a “strong moral compass” to “morally questionable, yet still completely clean”


"It was a truly unfortunate and unpreventable accident, which I just so happened to benefit from."
-Every mafia hitman


When he said ''I was thinking, is this vehicle insured in my name and is it road legal? I decided to walk'' I was dead on the floor


Chapter 4 in a nutshell

"As we all know, I don't kill people, I just happened to be around people when the die in unfortunate circumstances"
 - DarkViperAU "The Pacifist"


Anything can be considered “crime-less” if your lawyer is good enough


"Then I could walk away with my morally questionable, but completely clean money"
Every lawyer ever


9:36 is the exact moment Nigel goes from being a good man to a psychopath.


So pretty much, what I'm getting here is that Nigel just became a professional F1 racer after going through multiple midlife crisis? Honestly sounds pretty realistic.


The fact that he lost his first race and then became a first class racer is truly amazing


GTA online: "Be anything."

Also GTA online: "Be a criminal,"


I love how he just acrolled past the free garage and straight to the 25k one