CS50 Data science R language Digital Humanities Art of persuasive writing and public speaking Intro to AI with python
My son was set to take a tech course. He developed epilepsy at 29 and was forced to re educate and change careers. His father passed away so he didn't end up taking the class but there's always a next time. He's doing well after weedling his way into an HR position with X Company after starting there just stocking vegetables to have a paycheck. He is still studying tech online at home and is doing extremely well. I am so proud of him!
He applied the ethos, pathos and logos masterfully. Hats off!!
A word of advice, forget about learning R! Do your self a favor and learn Phyton, a much more appealing and versatile alternative in the industry, in comparison to R. I only recommmend R for someone eager to learn Statistics with a more hands on approach. If not for the major drawbacks, R could have been the go to programming language for Data Analysis. Simply put, the syntax of R is by far one of the most complicated ones out there and you will encounter at least a couple of bugs, among unresolved bugs, even with the latest version installed.
Where's that guy in the comments that adds the timestamps? Edit: Whoa we doing numbers with this one.
Good breakdown of Harvard's online courses—definitely useful info! A couple of things that might make future videos even better: It’d be helpful to mention upfront that while the courses are free, the certificates aren’t. Saves people from getting the wrong idea. Also, the script feels a bit AI-generated (which, hey, no judgment), but adding more of your own thoughts or experiences could make it feel more natural. One quick fix: direct links in the description would be a huge help. And about the ads… five in a 14-minute video? That was rough. The content is solid, but pacing matters too.
I tried that first course. It is not suitable for beginners IMHO unless they have a very strong science/maths background and some coding. An aptitude for coding is not so common which is why the job vacancies exist in coding. I have a number of academic certifications and lecturer experience and am blessed (through my parents and schooling) with a very high generalist/law/humanities IQ; and it was not a good fit for me. I know a Maths graduate from Oxbridge who hates coding. Hope this take helps somebody.
1:33 I believe the coffee logo belongs to Java not Javascript. Great Watch thought 💪🏼💪🏼
You may have just cured my existential aimlessness. I appreciate the detailed descriptions of each class - quite the procrastination slayer.
Sometimes I feel like Youtube algorithm is operated by God. Other wise I can't explain how youtube showed me your video!!! This is all I could only dream about! Already enrolled in coursera before, but this Harvard course is just what I need. Thank you, man!
I am right now a Class 12 student, I am tech enthusiast, Have much curiosity excitements for AI, I am self aware that i am Very silly but i am also very good at memory and analysis. I am planning to do AI engineering and data science. I am gonna be one of top researchers in field of AI and Androids. Mark my word remember my name - Jash Parmar.
I have a Masters of Happiness Studies from Dr. Tal Ben Shahar from Harvard and a doctorate in Psychology and still can't get a job except for life insurance in which I sold one policy to myself.
Hmmn, along with the Harvard courses themselves, the speaker's speech is inspiring too.
Bro you break this down so beautifully it cant be done any better, thank you and keep on 💯👍🏽
Damn, I was not aware of this before, like at all. THANK YOU! very much for you time.
I'm so broke, and I would love to upskill. Being an unemployment veteran is not easy. Thank you for all this good information.
Thanks for your sharing. All of the courses are exciting to learn in 2025.
Thanks a lot man to share this useful information with us, just love it 🖤