
Thanks for watching!


Im so thankful to all the teachers on youtube who give lectures free of cost


This was broken down in simplier terms and made learning more easy and understandable. Thank you


I’m not a med student, just really interested in anatomy, in particular neuroanatomy. I found your channel looking for a video on basic brain anatomy, then realized that I’m missing some basic anatomical terminology.

I just finished the video on anatomical planes and sections and I’m blown away! These are some of the clearest and well organized videos I’ve found on any topic.

I love the way you explain things, and there’s a lot of information in each video, but you do such a good job going through it all that it’s never overwhelming. The graphics are really nicely done, the memory tricks are great, and I’m not sure how you do it, but you speak super crisply but like without the crispiness; I can clearly hear every syllable but it sounds super natural. I’m pausing after new words to try them out, and I love that I can be confident I’m pronouncing them correctly. I also find your voice strangely soothing 🙃

This channel is going straight to my “actually useful channels” folder. Thanks for making great content!


I learned from this video quicker than an hour long lecture with my anatomy instructor. This helped a lot! Thank you


This was the best way to explain directional terms thus far


Wow, this is great. My anatomy teacher described anatomical terms as if the ability to grasp them was on par with rocket science. You really simplified everything. Solid video.


I’m in tears in just the first few minutes I have such a better understanding than my 3 hr lecture!! Thanks ❤


This is one of the best videos I have come across so far. You didn't talk so fast so my brain could process it, and giving examples really helped the most!


Y'all are saving lives with these videos


This Is the First Step One Should Get Hold of Before Moving Deeper to Anatomy. Thank you so much! This was Really Helpful! I Love it!


Actual LEGEND you are. This is so much better than my lecturers. Love your work, keep it up :)


Thank you so much, my first time studying nursing and had 8hrs in class but understood nothing, this vid helped a lot. Pls do more: Cells, Tissues, Nervous systems,  Respiratory systems and all other systems. Thank you


Wow! This was very helpful. I wasn’t understanding this topic very well, but after watching this video, I now understand! Thank you for breaking it down for us in the simplest way.


BEST VIDEO!! I have an exam in 5 hours and I could not understand this for the life of me, but you made it so clear and simple. I am a VERY visual person so this helped more than any book.... THANK YOUUUUUUU!


Writing my practical exam in the next 4 hour 30 minutes, and this helped soooooooooooo much🙈🙈 thank you!!!


Hi Sir. Good morning! I aced my laboratory exam in my ANAPHYSIO course, I'm a BS Psychology student. I was having a hard time understanding my prof. but when I watched you in this video and the way you explained it I really understand how you explained it. Thank you so much!❤


you have no idea how much you saved me. Im in nursing school and we have a test tomorrow and i could not understand the directional terms.. but you made it so easy to understand. Thank you so much!!!


This video was extremely helpful!! I was so confused about proximal and distal point of references. Thank you!!!


very helpful, i am a ccs passer and this is perfect for studying med terms, very helpful. keep up the good work and God bless you