
Thanks a lot for the info and tips guys massively appreciate it 💪😎


you have possibly had a weak or badly seated primer, it happens with real rifles and shotguns too, i'd imagine the components for a blank cartridge are also not as well tested (and cheaper brands) than those designed for real weapons and for reloaders. it has vented out of the primer rather than through the side where its supposed to (or the top, not familiar with that one? ) this is why eye protection is also recommended even with blank firers, you may have damaged the firing pin when you tried numerous times to fire the cartridge that was in the wrong way round, maybe the tip has split off so it punctures the primer rather than hits it to start the percussion explosion ? check the firing pin ! if its still ok then just a bad primer


You are so entertaining mate I just love watching your videos your honest but most of all hilarious I can’t get over your facial expressions like you saying wtf is happening when something doesn’t work out for you but the compound bow video is still the best


Faulty shell, strip and clean mate


Check the breech-face (where the firing pin comes through to strike the primer) it’s possible with the poor materials these type of replicas are made from, that the breech face is damaged or the firing pin hole has become too large, resulting in insufficient coverage of the primer. The pressure from the cartridge will always escape via the path of least resistance, in the case that the breech face etc is OK so it’s possible that primer was faulty or seated incorrectly. If you have any doubts post a video of the breech-face and pop it up on here


Congrats on your blanks gun video being so popular 🎉


Still safe to fire . Just needs to be cleaned brother is all. I promise it’s safe . It was a shell malfunction . Just be sure to clean it . That’s a cool piece man . I seen them before but it’s sick you have one 🔥


Your primer hole was blocked when u fire the case it shot the primer out of the cup and the hole was then unblocked and the gunpowder fell out had it happen before a lot more scary when it's a live cartridge with a bullet like the video also safe to use man


Try it again mate, but make sure you have a good thick strong glove and safety glasses, just in case, better to be safe than sorry, also well away from anyone or animals, It takes a man to admit he messed up, we all make mistakes, no one is perfect, but with guns especially we have to be extra careful, Good Luck Fella.


The firing pin punched a hole in the primer and it vented out that hole.
If it keeps doing it you can file down the firing pin a little.


Dont know if anyone has already said it but i think that green dust stuff might have been some unburnt powder from the blank?
It might not be but just be on the safe side mate 👍


Hi pal,

Well, that is a hard hittimg Pin! 

First of all, the green bits, are Gun Powder, similar to what one would apply, Grade wise, to Shot Gun Rounds. 

Nevertheless,  there could be a number of reasons to such a malfunction. 

I would strip and oil the TMH (Trigger Mechanism Housing). 

There seems to be too much blow back.  This has to do with the Gas Piston or blow back. More Gas is being driven to the Gas parts, than usually should be. 

This will keep happening, there is always a risk of malfunction. A small combined place, is all that's needed for it to malfunction. 

It basically, needs to be sent back to the Gun Smith, ie...return product. This is unfixable, unless you are a good looking dude. 


A good looking dude, who has lived a bit. 😁


Looks like a faulty shell mate, blanks are made very cheaply and can be inconsistent in power so even ones that shoot normally may fail to eject occasionally.
If you can strip it down, clean and lube it, and it should be good to go again, maybe check the firing pin for sharp edges.


My neighbours went nuts when i fired my Retay blanket firer lol…


sounds like the gases vented out somewhere else. dodgy primer? hammer/firing pin hitting too hard? or just bad brass, it could be a lot of things, glad you're ok.


Take sll powder  out of s couple  of shells snd just try it with the primer, probably  a faulty  shell casuing


Looks like the percussion cap the small circle went off but didnt starts the gunpowder its know just a peace of brass with gunpowder inside with no way off exploding


It was most likely a defective blank round of ammunition and not particularly dangerous.  take an air duster (canned air) and blow out the unburnt gunpowder and you should be fine to continue.


Only the primer went should be fine try a fresh round should work fine also keep them in a dry but cool place


The shell ignited from the back , guns alright strip clean all good , you'll always get dude's with blank  bullets and live rounds .