
Full song is out on my channel now! Am doing everything independently so would help massively if you share the reel/video around!


This is one of those rare songs you wish you could write yourself, but you don’t know how to. Then when you hear it, it’s like an epiphany of what you were trying to say. Love it! Absolutely love it!


I can't even begin to tell you how much your music resonates with me. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


As someone with a past of psychosis and battling chronic illnesses, your music hits in a way no other music has. It’s raw, honest, and makes me feel seen


Man. This song really got inside my head. I’m my own worst enemy sometimes.
Damn you’re talented.


This song hit me on so many levels. 
ADHD has given me a label to deal with the voices like this in my head all at once with no moderator. 
This particular verse has made so much sense in my head and ex0lains so much in ways I can't. 
You've done this so well man.


This is πŸ’― relatable. Thanks for taking the feelings that so many have and putting them to an amazing song!!


I've watched dozens of reaction videos to this and it wasn't until today someone finally named the voices right. It's the Critic and the Creative. The critical voice is important because it drives us to do better, but give it too much power and it tells us we're no good. That balance is oh so important.


His storytelling is raw and relevant. It’s incredible.


I can't listen to this song without crying, gets me every time (x10 or so for now!). This gives my best friend in the world who suffers with BPD a voice like she has never had before. Thank you from the bottom of my heart πŸ™πŸ’œ


I've been listening since violets tale, but this song has made me really start to dig through your discography some more to find all the gems you've made


The verse where "Mean Ren" goes full-on played over the top of my last depression spiral and pulled me right out and it hasn't returned in 2 weeks. It had been plaguing me for 3 months πŸ’œ


A lot of Ren's tunes hit you right in the heart. This is one of them. Genius!! ❀❀


Happy new year Ren.. as an ex junkie with a monkey on his back your music is so relatable.. I used to sit crying my eyes out to your music when I quit 5yrs ago going through withdrawal and always felt better afterwards.. thanks man you helped me get clean πŸ™


Honestly listened to this song every day since I heard it. It speaks so much to me πŸ’œπŸ’œ


I've become incredibly affixed to Ren's Music Man. He's phenomenal I wish him the best I really do I hope you get everything you deserves his music intense and I like it right now it's helping a lot I'm not a big old fan of being alive right now so it's kind of getting me through


Been battling with PTSD for a few years now and Ren and the big push have been a big therapeutic help, letting me know I'm not the only one fighting against themselves. Thank you for your integrity, talent and inspiration. Keep up the good fight


This is crazy powerful,
Amazing work as it’s so well done.


I just found you and it feels like you wrote this song from my brain as I'm also ill and fighting myself. Your so inspirational . Thank you.


It did... I ride a motorbike to work and would have thoughts of just riding into oncoming traffic to delete the voice in one swift move... but then I went to therapy and it helped me... got off the pills and started to see more clearly.... the music from yourself reminds me of a time in the past that I got over... and is a boost to my day to day!! Happy new year Ren... and thanks for the unknown support you dish out