
I see Ren live streaming on YouTube, get excited, join the stream, get rickrolled. Yeah that was not so expected was it.


people listen!!!! head my words... think about all the hours watching Ren, very often via other reactors.. amazing value for money content and songs... free shows. time to give back. buy!


Imagine being one of these guys friends! Being in this crew must feel electric right now. Buzzing for all your successes guys!!


Hiya Ren, I'm a 63 year old rocker & even I enjoyed those Rick Ashley tunes ...   You & your friends enjoy life to it's up most you deserve to ๐Ÿงกโœจโญโœจ๐Ÿ‘


I've just counted that i've purchased sick boi album 12 times in various formats, needless to say i've never ever, ever bought one album so many times. But if it helps get Ren to where he should be then it's worth it. Best album i've heard in years. Lets do this! Roll over rick๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜


This was pure madness. Ren, you are a great host๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š and definitely the most restless spirit..oh, I lose the thread every time you get up and leave and come back๐Ÿ˜‚
i love you man


You're a sick boi ren, gotta get your sick ass music to #1
Also, you and Rick should do a collab no matter who gets #1


Congrats! You deserve all the success you get.  You are incredibly talented โค


Always good to see Ren and the bois together! Love the live streams, very normal n down to earth ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿผ


The UK charts are about to be RENrolled! ๐Ÿคฃ And I can't wait!


You are on the cover of the Sรผddeutsche Zeitung, one of the biggest papers in Germany. Wow, congrats!


Anyone that has been watching ren and has been entertained/inspired should put their hand in their pocket and get the album to cherish. Its the only way to keep indie artists doing what they do. If not, sit back and put up with the Simon cowel conveyor-belt. Keeeem on sick boi! got my album ordered. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Got he champagne on ice - never would a No.1 album be so deserved!


Awwww i love how the lads are all back together, makes my heart happy ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ


I never push music on anyone but I have with you bud. I listen to you daily and it helps me cope and carry on. It's so real and deep it massages the soul. Now your #1 the most awesome thing is there's people all over England right now bouncing around on the energy you give us all


I love that livestreams are so random, lol! I was out and I was busy but i had an earbud in the whole time and laughed my ass off! So nice to hang with everyone like that, it's like running into your friends on the street, instant fun! Have a good one everybody!


Just want to say A MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS ON UR NO.1 IN CHARTS. I'm buzzing for u ren n all involved in this amazing music


I fucking love you all! RENs excitement is pure joy! Seeing yous all there together makes me so happy! Never have I ever bought the same album 3 times in different shapes and forms haha! I fucking hope you get number 1 man




Was so excited to see the BBC article about Ren v Rick Astley for number 1... shit yeah!! Congratulations Ren & team, you got this!! ๐ŸŽ‰