100% Accurate, I'm a visual learner, I need pictures, schematics anything that I can see If someone only talks to me then...
This is a nice video
I am both visual and auditory learner While learning i imagine it as a continues story then later i explain it to someone
I am b, a, a . What learner am I?
I had to find a video with visuals and less talking to get the point across better to me lol so I can learn my style
all three :>
Learning styles is like Myer-Briggs or astrology - Total bunk.
nice intro
great job
I am visual and to do learner things
Mind is visual learner
I'm a visual learner 👀
I am visualization and auditor learning style
for the quiz i had answered B, C, and A and now i am more confused.
Ok if you dont know which one you are you can try all of the
I'm visual and auditory learner
I'm a visual and kinesetic
Minds is visual learner