Loki is a beast to take on shanks his crew and entirety of elbaph
Now whatever feat loki pulls its gonna be shanks and mihawk upscale🗿
Is this already the best arc of One Piece?? I mean the pacing is seriously too good man
That hammer really looks like a poneglyph.. made of sea stone and can crush any DF user LITERALLY… Loki ain’t playing.
The next chapters won't be easy. And I was the one who said that Egghead was the most excited. 😬😬😬😬😬
Shanks defeated him with just one hand🤫
En cuanto Luffy muestre a Nika,Loki se arrodillarse y será otro nakama.
Loki with the power of Thor
And top on that he is still weakened by sea prism stones imagine wht if he gets free
If luffy can't beat loki.. Then he's not ready to meet shanks yet🤫
The strongest alliances vs WG : Straw's hat alliances, Dragon's, Red hair's, Buggy's, part of Navy's, Poseidon's, Giant's, Wano's, ex Big Mom's pirate, ex Beast Pirate, ex WB's pirate, ex Roger's pirate, others pirates and many Kingdoms's Vs WG.. How many sea emperor's level, general's level, vice admiral level will have to fight to dead.. Amazing ending from OP.. 😂😂😂
Akainu will neg loki and shamrock u know 😂
C+pe harder akainu negss garp and Whitebeard 😂 💀
Dangerous mode
Why gerd and others hate that giant
Loki must have Haki right because he has to, he fought shanks. If Loki doesn’t someone have haki that hammer won’t do anything against luffy
who is this charater?