
I don’t think I’m the only person reviewing Mr. Harrell’s older work. Has anyone noticed, either his editing is absolutely seamless, or he nails his presentation in one go, and also without notes?
Simply amazing.


Since he passed, going back through his videos.  Timeless.  His legacy lives on.


Having just aquired a sig 40s&w, i came for another lesson from Paul. Glad his brother is keeping his channel up.


Amateur shooter here.  I've watched 100's of videos from probably as many shooters. Just started watching Harrell's videos.  I have learned more from EACH one of his than all the others combined.  He is a true teacher and his knowledge is unparalleled.  Outstanding!


RIP, Paul. 
Thank you for your knowledge and education.


The difference between these two calibers for me is this:

Right now, there is a 2 box limit on 45acp (and 380acp and 9mm) at my store, and that's if there is even any for sale which is often not the case.

At the same store there is a pallet with over 20,000 rounds of .40 s&w sitting on it.

So no matter what the ballistics are of any caliber, I'll take the one I can shoot today.


Paul is amazing.  He presents you with data and always says "you be the judge."
He does not press his opinion on you.


Is this guy a great teacher or what? You be the judge!


Paul once picked up 12 ribs, 6 t-shirts, 24 soda jugs, 6 watermelons, and 6 pig ears. When the clerk asked him what he was gonna do with all of those bizarre items, he simply said:

"You be the judge.".


Checker at store: "That man goes through more soda than anyone I've ever seen. I wonder how he stays so skinny..."


I've been hunting and shooting over half a century and still find these old videos the most relevant. Thanks for your dedication to the gun community Paul.


A buddy was buying a pistol at a local shop a while back and he told me the story. A guy mentioned that he wanted a self defense pistol but it had to be accurate to 60 yards. And some other guy spoke up and said, "if you think 60 yards counts as self defense, what you'll need is a really good lawyer.". That popped up in my brain when you mentioned 60 yard bulket drop.


I love how logical, calm and intelligent you are, in any subject you choose to discuss. It shows your due diligence on the matter, and your dedication to truly educating people. Specially in a field, which involves potential lives at risk. Thank you, and keep up your fantastic work.


I am so sorry for the loss of such an icon of gun enthusiasts!😇🇺🇸
I love Paul and his particular approach and experience!😎🇺🇸🔥


This is by far the most exhaustive comparison of the 40 vs 45 cartridges done by anyone. Great job and thank you for all of the effort it takes to make a presentation like this!


Excellent presentation as always! I am always down with the no nonsense, just present the facts style. Paul Harrell Rocks.


I have been a long time pistol shooter (78 yo) and one thing I can say is, you are a heck of a pistol shot.
Good job Paul.


Based on this excellent fact based video, I can’t justify from a pricing point, buying a .45. I am satisfied with my .40 S&W.


You are a absolute gem to the documentary presentation enjoying gun nuts. I really appreciate your dedication, it's like watching PBS, when PBS was PBS.


Paul is awesome. Although I have shot for nerly 50 years, I always learn something from his videos, and especially appreciate the fact that he conveys knowledge without preconceived notions or unnecessary drama.