Nice video! For the price it seems like a decent home entertainment system 😅
It looks good in daytime. How is off center view?
Hello, thank you for your video, can you tell me if the HDMI port is 2.0 or 2.1 ? I want to buy this model and i need your experience. For information i'm french. Thanks you for your response 😊
Thank you for the review of this laserTV - installed this one today... aaaaand struggling a bit with a picture adjustment... no matter if manual or automatic (via app and photo) - I get all the time the upper arrea a bit blurry... I do not see it on your video - it seems to be very sharp on your screen.. The distance of the screen to the table where I place the beamer and the distance from the wall to the beamer is due to the instruction... so this is fine... any idea what could be wrong? and also an additional question - it's not written anywhere... what did u select on the screen type? the High Gain ALR Screen 2 or other selection? Thx a lot in advance!
how much centimeter from the wall ?
How is the fan noise?
4:58 it does not produce a native 4k Resolution. That's a lie. It is a native FHD projector which uses pixelshifting. There is no native 4k UST at the moment.
The other version is the L9H which works with triChroma láser, supostly is better, that correct? I'm really interested in one of them but I'm not sure for the quality
Is this better than px1 pro by hisense
Hay bro i love your TV review videos I'd like you to please review the hisense A SERIES AND U SERIES when they release in SA please plus our version in SA are always different so we don't get SA reviews your videos helps alot to know what we buying
What is the best TV you guys have been able to game on? Thinking of getting something really nice a la an S90C or LG C1 but are those options really that much better than, say an U8H?
Does it have the Plex app?