Imagine meeting a cute boy and ask about his job and he's like "oh, I'm an asmr model"
Me encanta tu voz, tus susurros Esperanza, es sumamente relajante y desestrezante.
She has her own channel now Doña Esperanza Asmr go support! 😊
Automáticamente se me cierran los ojos al oír su voz tan relajante❤
Great hands 👏🏼👏🏼 Thanks for sharing ❤ ASMR MASSAGE 👌🏼👀
I absolutely love this ☺️☺️☺️ sheer relaxation, I wish I could try it.
I like that tool ❤
Esperanza, te amo!
El señor se parese a una serie llamada *atrapada en el medio*❤😂
Id b drooling…and im bald
Yo quiero ser voluntariaaaa para un video 🥺🥺💗
Full video:
Какой парень красивый 😍😍😍
What is she whispering ? is that some kind of magical spell
❤amo 🥰