
Tax man: Have you ever waltzed into someone's home and took their goods?
Me after waltzing into someone's home: nope never.


I put roughly 3200 hours into this game. You turned up one secret I did not know about: the ghost ship in Skellige. Thank you.


I'm about 96 hours in, currently at level 44... didn't think I'd get so immersed into a game. Been out of the gaming world for about 10 yrs..


Literally one of the best games I've ever played, so sad that I can't experience it for the first time again


Also, in Dark Souls easter egg, when you interact with the bonfire, the game auto-saves, which is another amazing detail.


The white rabbit can actually be killed using a bomb, which is in reference to the holy hand grenade used to kill the rabbit in Monty Python


Damn that last one gave me goosebumps. A beautiful secret that I didn't know about. Love the secrets you post lately Fizhy!


The thing I love about this game and Skyrim is no matter how many times I beat it I can always go back and find something new


There is a Gwent card of said cow (I don't know if you need to have a Heart of Stone) at an attic where the wedding takes place during Heart of Stone. That cow has 0 attack but spawns 8 strength monster whenever it is removed.


Fun fact. There’s a gwent card called cow that will summon the bovine defense card(chort) when it gets removed from the field.


i love that it came out in 2015, but there’s still things i didn’t know about this game in 2022. after 350+ hours of gameplay. 🐐


It's so refreshing to see this kind of content. Most videos are of the same things everyone's seen 1000 times this well crafted video was full of things I still haven't found after hundreds of hrs. Very well done mate


While at the sky cells I looted a parchment off one of the pirates that name dropped Cthulhu and gave mention to 'The Ancient Gods'. The parchment also said more sacrifices were needed. Wondered if it was meant to be part of a mission that never got developed, but was planned, much like The Devils Pit (glad that did finish that mission and put it in the game). The parchment also said more sacrifices were needed


I had no idea about the ghost ship and I've done like 6 full runs including dlc,  that's awesome 😁


Secret 6 : the weeping angels must be a refernce to creatures/monsters of the same name in the Doctor Who sci-fi series.


The last secret hits really hard in the feeling, that heartfelt farewell to Geralt and the fans from the devs. 
That with the "Fanflares and Flowers" from Toussaint playing over... Makes me cry. It really does.
No other game does this to you,  what an amazing masterpiece. 

I´d even say this is not a game, it´s a godly experience that everyone should live through.


You just keep rapid firing great content don’t you Fizhy? You’re so underrated it’s crazy


One of the most frustrating things about this game is that there are many quests that you can unwittingly miss depending on previous choices. There's one on skellige ("trading in flesh" maybe?) that disappears if you complete "following the thread", which most people complete early. No idea why the devs would do this...


Man, this game is just Mind blowing sometimes.  Even if someone is aware of every secret on this list, there's almost certainly stuff out there they haven't seen unless they're either some crazy dataminer or they've seen every iteration of the "ten secrets" video.  I'm quickly approaching 1000 hours in The Witcher 3 and in my current playthrough I just found a full-on side quest I've never played, AND a loading screen I hadn't ever seen (you know, where Dandelion reads a little blurb about the point youre currently at in the story,) in the SAME DAY.  There are just so many places to go, so many missable things and events.  The Witcher 3 really is one of the top games of the generation, and I say that as someone who, until playing it on a whim, "wasn't really into monsters and stuff."  Now I've read all the books, put close to 1000 hours into TW3, and built a beefy gaming PC just to go back and play the previous games.  What a masterfully written universe.


The tax collector's name is a clear reference to the movie Walter Mitty, with Ben Stiller as the protagonist