movies severely underrated. A masterpiece of the times.
The top-billed performance of Samuel L. Jackson's career
Rest in Peace, John Heard.
this trailer practically spoils the entire damn movie!
Awesome movie. I don’t know if it won an award. It should have.
Probably one of the most underrated movies in cinema history.
Im watching it now. Miss H at the end really annoys me. Those scumbags threatened her and killed her dog, and she feels sorry for Benny and Ceasar? Fuck those punks. Such a great movie
I remember watching this in the late 90s on cable, I was about 16 or 17 I think, and thinking "damn, everyone in LA high school looks like they are 25 going on 30" must be no joke lol. But it is a decent movie!!
Fun movie Some of it was filmed in my neighborhood
Its quite sad that this is a samuel l jackson film nobody acknowledges anymore 😢
If 'Falling Down' had been about a teacher.
This was High school??? 😂😂 More like adult school ..hahahaa
Clifton collins jr. Aka cesar vialpando😎🥺
Uno dei film preferiti in assoluto!!!! 😍
Great movie
This film was Awesome
Tenpenny Vs Cesar
How come I've never heard of this movie until now? It's difficult to watch, and anyone who has tried to be a teacher can understand.
Question what's the song at the near end of the trailer?