
One of aging's gifts is the loss of ego. Moving from self-centredness to giving of one self has freed me from many restrictive and harmful practices.


I’m driving from California to Alaska and the Yukon. I’m 69. I had to quit my job to do it. I gave my boss a two year notice. Me and my dogs are ready. It’s time ❤


I am almost 80.  I don’t feel so much dread to get older as I do feeling like I am living in a world that is not mine anymore. Everything has changed. I have made some of those changes but I can’t seem to for others. They are engrained in me.


At nearly 75 yr old I can still get my leg over!!!!  My motorcycle that is, do not loose your sense of humour, laughter helps.


"Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many." - Mark Twain (attributed)


Now at 74 I find myself more aware of the beauty of nature , I love listening to at the birds in my backyard and I am grateful that I am not rushing to go to work taking my time to enjoy my coffee in the morning etc


Struggling at 74. I needed this today. Thank you so much.


I just turned 70 and was afraid of losing my red hair so I used to dye it to hang on to that color that got me so many compliments when I was young. I quit dyeing it over a month ago thinking, "It's time to embrace my beautiful self." I don't need compliments anymore because I love who I am. Thank you for such an eye-opening truth about aging.


Yes growing old is a privilege,  but my late mum riddled with athritis as i am now , said getting old is no fun , some elderly dont get the aches and pains others get and it makes a big difference . My mums friend got married again at 92 , he died 97 , his wife said she had the best 5 years , mum always said , what will be ,will be and she went through her pain , never complaining , thank you mum , for giving me strength to stay strong .


I am 56 originally from Omaha. Moved to Chicago 11 years ago, let my car die and walk every where. I started yoga a year ago and started eating clean as I can. I am happier than I have ever been!


I woke up this morning feeling like I’ve had enough living.  I’m done.  Goodbye. Then I was browsing the YT channel and found this.  Best medicine. Best wake up call ever.       ❤️  I’m in my 79th year…. and so glad…. now.  🙏


It's okay that people forget you eventually. What matters is being kind and present now. Like, make today count 🙏


A 93 year old that has been into buddhism for years. At my age, very welcome thoughts and truths.


Yesterday was my 80th birthday! What a privilege to be at this new decade! Thank you for the wisdom!


The hardest part of aging isn’t the physical changes, it’s learning to let go. I once held onto the idea that my legacy would be the things I built, but now I see it's the kindness I've shared that truly lasts. Friends have drifted, my body has slowed, but the peace I’ve found in embracing impermanence has been liberating. If you're struggling with aging, don’t fight time, walk with it. Be present, be kind, and trust that the ripples you create today will carry on long after you're gone.


Excellent. I'm 73. I live alone. I'm a retired attorney. This was very helpful Thanks.


Oh boy, I came upon this video by chance and it was just what I needed to hear! I am 82 and have lived an exciting and active life. I have been depressed that I can no longer run marathons and ultramarathons. I switched to cycling a few years ago and cycled long distances. This year I find it more difficult to do this as I become so fatigued. I have been fighting this natural progression as I age. I have anxiety and fear about the decline in physical abilities. I see I am clinging to my younger life and that causes fear and anxiety.
This video spoke to me in such a personal way and I see I need to accept I can't do what I used to do and it is okay. Instead of cycling 40 miles I will, or try to be, happy to cycle 15 to 20 miles. I can see I have a great deal of growing to do.  I need to learn to accept the aging changes in my body and embrace the aging process.  
This will be easy to say and maybe not so easy to do! But listening to these truths brings me peace.


The fact that friends and family leave us struck me. I'm 62 and am experiencing that. My family was pretty much toxic, so I escaped them years ago. But friends... that's a difficult one. I always figured we'd be friends forever, but even that fades. It's like my friends are just waiting for the inevitable. I want to keep living, but they don't want to interact anymore. Not even text. It hurts. Sometimes I sit on the couch and sob, like now. I'm a man. And I cry. Never thought life would be like this.


Wonderful to listen to. I am 75 now , let the music keep you spirits high, our generation had the best music, and it is still there to listen to. Love ❤️ to everyone. X


I live in the wonderful, youth-centered culture of America .  Getting old is generally despised, and it can be a struggle to find and feel acceptance in such a society as a senior.  This gave me peace.  Thank you.