I would absolutely love a game like that. I mean, the Illustration alone is S-Tier
This is so Good, the most important thing is He post Earlier than Oversimplified
an HOUR of historically content? its not even my birthday!
This is on of the best tellings of WW2 stories I have heard on YT. I loved the style, animation, the jokes, the everything, a true youtube 10/10 (a rare sight to behold). 335k subs is a crime, but in no time I am sure it will be well over a million. Thanks for getting rid of my boredom for an hour and forty!!!
This has to be the most underrated history channel out there!
I love the way you explained how historians sometimes strip someone of their achievements just because they weren’t on their side.
I find it a bit funny that after the stories about Leo Major and Michael Wittman, the narrator brings up the possibility that Leo's story was sensationalized to the point of fiction for the purposes of propaganda. While listening to this, something didn't really vibe. I've done a lot of study on WW2. Most of these stories I've heard. 'course, not all of them-- but Wojack and "Mad Fighting Jack" I've had many run-ins with. I made a note on my desk pad to look up the Leo Major story after watching the video and check sources to check validity before that part played, not because the accomplishments felt off-- but because there was never any impartial witness to the achievement. It was always solo. Just unusual. Granted, not impossible-- but Whittman's story definitely felt much more realistic in terms of possibility and consistency. I've heard a lot of off the wall accomplishments in history, but usually it has to do with things that are a product of the situation causing events to allow for such a thing-- people in-general are not generally incompetent for an entire war. So, while looking for sources-- I'm not surprised to find that it's very murky on Major's story. I think the idea it might be propagandized is not entirely incorrect. A shame, considering how many incredible stories that weren't embellished came from the war.
"Frankly I enjoyed the war" was a quote not by Jack Churchill, but by Adrian Carton de Wiart (a WW1 officer that could have his own video made about him).
Jesus, talk about underrated. Really hope this gets more people to subscribe to you, Historically.
This is truly the best video I have ever seen in YT. I could have easily watched another hour of this. You've got yourself a new Patreon, congrats!
Historically: "Why do people only talk about them overrated dudes like Churchill, Hitler and Stalin?" Also Historically: Brings out a bear
Bro why does this channel have lore 💀 And why is it so interesting!?
5:54 my German is bad, but this is a rough translation. "Yes yes delicious German with my friends" 5:56 "I am so bad at German" 5:59 "Too bad"(repeated several times) 6:10 "Apple strudel"(??) 6:18 "I love your dog" Anyone who is fluent or a native speaker feel free to correct me
Gottseidank wurden genug Ronne-Runen gemalt! Danke, Ronneberg! Jokes aside, great video, incredible production value, you definitely deserve more subs!
This is one of the best, if not THE best historic video I've ever seen. Just like you said, a lot of people do make video about WW2, but almost no one talks about this type of characters, that are often overshadowed by something bigger. The style of the drawings, the narrative and the jokes with the spectator make your videos even more entertaining and funny to watch, while still learning interesting historcal facts. And you didn't talk only about the Allies and criticize the Nazi's stories just because they are Nazis, but you simply tell the facts, without discrediting one side or the other. I love your videos man, you are the best history youtuber right now, and you have the potential to grow even bigger. I'm really sad that your art is underrated, you deserve a lot more followers. I'm sorry that I dont have the money to join your Patreon right now, but I will do it for sure in the future, if you continue being so good. I hope you'll have a great day man, thank you so much for your artwork. (I apologize in advance if I made any grammatical errors, English is not my first language.)
This thumbnail would be a great meme template
So you’re telling me, that in five months you created a one hour long animated video??? HOW
THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE VIDEO. I can’t believe this doesn’t has more views! I’m watching it over and over again and the ads completely do this gets more support and founds