LTT challenging Nintendo's legal team with this one.
Runs on an RK3566 which have been in these emulation machines for a couple of years now. It'll max out on lightweight psp games. Alternatives with similar power and screen size are Powkiddy x55, Trimui Smart Pro, Anbernic Rg40xx. Shouldn't exceed 60-70 dollars.
What’s so wrong with inflating Something a few inches more than what it actually is?
90$ is actually pretty bad value for this. You can get much better quality built and better performance for roughly 60$.
There are a TON of great handhelds in the $70-90 range nowadays, I don't see why you'd ever go with this one. The build quality would be barely passable on a $30 device.
Do some reviews on the actual good retro handhelds pleaseee, these days the market is so saturated a round up would be awesome
There are faaaar better options on the emulation scene. I do like how the resolution seems to favor PSP.
The internet is so rampant these days with people throwing up all these disclaimers and warnings trying to skirt rules and avoid legal issues, and yet 99.999% of them are absolutely MEANINGLESS and downright false lies.
It's kinda wild how even basic Chinese bootleg consoles are perfectly serviceable these days (ethical issues aside). If I got something like that as a kid or even a teenager I'd be stoked. Though for that price you could get a controller mount for your phone and emulate that way.
"Mom can I have a ps portal" "we have a portal at home" the portal at home.
1:05 “good thing it has an anti skid design cuz no one would be safe… from my exc[R]itement”😂
The echo for his voice in the short circuit set is INTENSE. At least on Air Pods Pro second gen. The music takes the edge off but it’s realllllly pronounced with Linus.
hearing linus try to incorporate “mid” into his vernacular is beautiful
Would love to see more like this, considering how many random options there are these days from Abernic, Powkiddy, and others! Especially since their handhelds seem to fair better than this particular one at a similar price.
4:14 Yep.... 30 years on and it still hurts :(
2:53 the way he advertised Dbrand plates 😂 i bet they wish they didn't bother!
I instinctively read that as SCAM which seemed fitting
"How big is it? " " 4.3 inches >0< C="
Amazon link is already "Currently unavailable." LOL that was quick