
A mate (25yrs my senior and now retired in Cyprus - Neil Espley) worked at the BBC throughout the 70'80's90's as an engineer on R1,2,3,4 and ultimately as principle audio/mixing engineer for R3, he used these in outside broadcasts vans and when asked of the idea of the idea of home listening with these his reply was "You could, but why would you want to? - they were voiced for nearfield listening in closed environments to highlight the vocal range".


I listened to a pair of Rogers LS3’s about 35-40 years ago when I owned a pair of Yamaha NS2000’s and I was so impressed by thoose small speakers, I have never forgotten them.


I have a pair of LS3/5a’s in one of my rooms. Delicious sound. I’ll never live without dogs or LS3/5a speakers :)


Since 1978 I have only owned and listened to two speakers: Rogers LS3/5a, now with  my AV system, and Tympani 1D with my big system. Both are driven by ARC tube electronics.


I've always wanted an LS3/5a. When set up correctly, they can sound amazing.


Summer weather, an amp throwing off 60 degrees, and John's still in his hoodie. Gotta love it.


Back around 1980 I became a dealer at my stereo shop for the Rogers LS3/5a speakers after the impression they left me with some years before.  A pair retailed for about $650.  They were one of my favorite small speakers sonically; they were exceptionally well made.   My pair also served as a reference for loudspeaker systems that I designed and built.  The KEF drivers were the B110 mid-woofer and T27 tweeter which was modified by the addition of the metal grill.


Love my Silver Badge Falcon LS3/5A’s! Makes me wonder how such an old design can be made to sound so fantastic😊


I think it's amazing that a fifty year old design is still competitive today.  Mind you I had a pair of Spendor BC1s for more than 35 years.  They were just wonderful when in their comfort zone (ie not dubstep or thrash metal!).  I might still be using them now if a 'friend' hadn't destroyed them for me!


Nice review John. If you’ve still got them in your listening room try moving them more out into the room so at they are located midfield to your listening position with a lot of space between the speakers and your back wall. Place them right and you’ll get a soundstage and sound that will blow your mind.


I have the Falcon equivalent. I play all sorts on them - lots of techno, etc. My room booms at 50 Hz, I'm a relatively low level listener in the near-ish field, not to mention I much prefer a vintage-type aesthetic. Im my space, the best speaker I've had. And yep, I like the heritage and story. Horses for courses...


Love the K&D Sessions!!


I was very lucky to be given(!) a pair of Kef R101’s end last year. Comes quite close to the ls3/5a at least in the units used in that one. I gave it some tlc with new and decent binding posts and a complete recap with a tailor made capset from Falcon Acoustics. They sound absolutely delicious. I also combine vintage with future fi in that I use a Bluesound Node, highpass stereo out to a Rega Brio (which basically functions as a power amp) and the sub out to a Rel HT1003. That makes (my opinion) for a broader range where it works well, not just smaller acoustic music or jazz etc but it works also fine for Infected Mushroom. So don’t dismiss this sort of speakers as pipe and slippers, combine with modern stuff and have the best of both worlds…


I heard one and it blew my mind. That will be my next go to speaker. Cheers


Nice. I have a pair of Rogers Studio 1's. Had 'em since new. Re-capped and with a new Falcon mid driver. Just beautiful. Thanks.


Studio 89 review coming soon!  Your German is sehr gut!


Your incidental music is the best in the whole internet world. Best.


I have Harbeth P3ESR-SE for more than 10 years. I changed my Audiolab amplifier to a 20 watt class A, just like I bought new speakers.


Love the channel John .
What a finely tuned diplomat you are , 
So for 2,500 Euros the bass is none existant , the detail is not so good , they're a bit fuzzy around the edges etc etc ..

But you  do like the look of em and they might suit someone not requiring any of the aforementioned attributes , someone who likes a more muddy take on things .
Beautifully put though , one must watch ones P&Qs ...Top channel sir !!!!


I hope the Studio 89 review is coming soon.