
Watch episode 5 here! got.cr/cc-bllck5


they adapted this scene so well, with the 3 POVs man this shot was so satisfying with everyone cheering him on beforehand


Isagi completely sonned Niko here. Bro read all of his moves, called him unfit to be a striker, scored the game-winning goal off the turnover, and stood over him at the end. Cold-blooded MC 💀


they be spending all the budget on bachira's dribbles and i'm all for it

Episode 9: give me a blank cheque and hold my roulette


He made his opponent cry, gave him a major staredown, and felt good about it. The feeling of crushing others dream. Perfect lol jk


when isagi stared niko down while he was crying, after completely obliterating his spirit, i had the widest fcking grin on my face. me and Ego were both grinning from ear to ear. what a beautiful scene


Am i the only one freaking loving bachira psycho expressions?


Isagi really just unlocked another skill other than passing


I cried with happiness when I saw his first goal, it's beautiful to see him animated, this scene was incredible.


Anyone else just visiting these clips now wistfully remembering what we used to have?


This adaptation has been splendid. Amazing goal by Isagi. He doesn't realize it yet, but his weapon is insane. Niko crying is sad...all their dreams...down the drain 😭


Love this episode Bachira's pass really gave me chills this was an 9/10 scene and I really enjoy seeing Isagi's weapon his 1'st goal was an masterpiece


In the beginning I was afraid that Isagi would be like Kuroko and rely on being ‘invisible’ on the field. I’m happy to see that is NOT Isagi’s goal and instead wants to stand out fulfilling Blue Lock’s goal of making the ultimate Egoist


Back when they actually bothered animating the scenes rather than just having a narrated slide show.... F*ck me this scene was great and how a sports anime should be!

Edit: I know that it's the greedy executives fault and not individual animators even if my comment came across as such. They are probably doing their best out of a horrible work situation and I seriously respect that.


i just came back here after seeing japan winning against germany, TRULLY A BLUE LOCK MOMENT




0:56 0:58 isaki talking has more animations then the entire second season


I remember i was not very impressed by animation when first time watching blue lock. Came back here again after watching season 2 and this literally feels like gold


Can't express enough how well 8 Bit Studio is adapting everything 💯😭🔥🙌 Animation, ost and sound design chef's kiss


Rewatching all these clips from blue lock I had forgotten How well animated the big moments in season one were like geez