“Nobody is doing as bad with this Corey Seager card than me” Oh trust me I found a way
Let's go!! Happiness is watching a DaddyDimmuTV video or stream!
So I finally took your advice after many years and started playing events and have been having fun with them. I like these weekly 10 win events for like 22,000 xp and players. I haven't bothered going for streaks, just using my best pitcher and resetting my run. Got the 95 griffey and have 3 homers in 4 games
Where's the mlb the show 21 vid lol. Everyone else had made one, I've been waiting for the dimmu one 😂😂
Thanks got explaining the extra TA AL East season 1 pack, I was so confused when I saw I was doing progress for a season one program lol
A rare sighting of the daddy. Good to see you again. This game has pushed a lot of people away with all the cards being in packs.
Internet comes back & Dimothy is live on the twitch & posted a video, what a day to be alive
Your editor is on point! Gotta give some love to the bro behind the scenes.
Oh yeah is it just me or did the 3rd base umpire not look like Ozzie Albies ? Thoughts ? One more thing there Daddy Dingers ain’t nobody giving a tinkers damn about Roy Oswald 😂
corey seager is just one of those cards i can’t take out of my lineup regardless of boosts he’s just amazing for me lol that swing is actually butter
I like using Zack Wheeler so I can work on my Kaiba impression when he gives up a bomb.
Larry Walker looking like the Mayor of a Frog Village.
Good job Randy! Dimmu, please stay away from Grandma's arse. Thank you sir. You big beautiful son of a biscuit.
A very slept on card is the 93 Moose Joe Musgrove I have a .7 era with him in 50 innings
Not me being on vacation and only missing one upload smile 😃
Roy came out just asleep, then turned into an absolute demon
Dimmu I would love a road to the show series aj and Kyle have had success so far and I’ve had a ton of fun playing it when there’s a content drought on diamond dynasty
Thank you Roy good job.
Oh my goodness where have you been!