Running a red light in front of a police car? Bold move.
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Every reckless move on the road feels like a slap in the face to safe drivers.
safety safety.
“Safety is the key to avoiding disasters.” If only it were that simple!
Some of these crashes are the definition of instant regret.
Watching this, I’m reminded why driving is a privilege, not a right
The police must have stories for days after this one!
Watching this makes me so thankful for airbags.
This is why l prefer the Underground and the Metropolitan trains !
This driver needs a lifetime ban from the roads.
Yet another case of I thought I could make it.
It’s like they didn’t even try to avoid it.
A second of indecision can lead to a crash.
Just because you have the right of way doesn’t mean you’ll survive.
If stupidity were a felony, this would be a life sentence.
Ever seen someone turn left at a red arrow? Bold choice.
If you think it's okay to blast through a red light, you're basically asking for trouble.
I love how some drivers believe they have the power to control traffic by cutting in front of everyone.