1) Put an action behind every productive thought 2) Screen time limit 3) weekly skin treatment 4) reset and maintain internal clock 5) one uncomfortable thing a day 6) set aside a “tidy time”, find some time to clean, even if it’s just 5-10 mins 7) stay organized in every aspect of your life 8) SOA every time you go out ~ (scent, outfit, accessories, hair) 9) use your camera to make some form of content/take pictures 10) skincare cycling; switch between treatments, exfoliating etc daily 11) consume drinks with nutritional value (juice, supplements, etc) 12) have more greens 13) meal prep, doesn’t have to be complicated 14) go outside often, get fresh air and vitamin D 15) some form of exercise: workout, go for walks, run errands etc 16) scalp and face massage daily 17) find a way reconnect with yourself - do something you love
something similar to “T+A” I heard was the 5 second rule. basically you think about something u need to do and then you just countdown and do it. ms.brain is often our biggest enemy so sometimes you just gotta ignore her 😭😭
the t+a was GOOD girl ; i ain't never heard that before
Thank you. I'm going through what's probably the worst time of my life because my doggy is very old and not doing great, and this video motivated me and helped me get up and do something to not keep losing my mind and somewhat hold on. I didn't even knew where to start or what to do and your videos helped a lot to "restart" a normal life
t+a can seem like such a simple thing to mention but im so glad you did. it’s like yes, many people know it’s something we should be doing but i think you reiterating it and giving examples of how YOU use that mindset is more impactful than someone just nagging. i hope that made sense 😅 LOVE YOU
please continue making content like this its so soothing and calming to watch and just takes the stress out of my day!
girllll!! you look so pretty 🩷
girl, just find your channel like today earlier and WHOS THIS DIVA BFR- ur gorgeous and so funny istg😭🫶
literally paid for my college apps right after you explained the t&a thing lmao
The TNA & screen time 🤌🏽 chefs kiss. When I tell you all of the other videos related to this from other girlies was regurgitated. They all had the EXACT same tips. I love yours!
I love the tip too drink beneficial things throughout the day. I drink a bit of pomegranate juice to combat inflammation and try to drink tea on top of my water🙂
OHHH IM Keeping that S(L)OAH acronym!! It’s just what I needed girly! Scent Lashes Outfit Accessories & Hair Having an acronym for it makes it feel slightly less overwhelming when it comes to keeping up with things more simply.❤️
This video is so good omg - the WISDOM
Congrats on 100k, we ly!!
I love your videos, especially when Im in a dark place. They remind me to take care of myself
Love these tips, I’m thinking of setting screen time on my phone, and doing the outfit prep the night before because I spend way too much time looking for an outfit in the morning
As someone who also struggled with the bloat (which increased to inflammation and joint pain and stomach cramps) sometimes it’s an intolerance! I can’t digest sucrose apparently so… if it hurts I highly suggest seeing a gi bc getting an answer is sooooo worth it! Glad the greens help for you, they totally help me too!
Every single teeny weeny habit you have was amazing ! Some of them I have already started working towards using more in my life . But I made sure to write everything down . This was very helpful for me personally everything just made so much sense definitely think you should keep up this type of content gonna watch a couple more times to drill the info in my head so glad I came across your video❤❤❤
I'm so sorry, I'm dying laughing (not in a mocking way, I swear!!!) as soon as I heard, "Whenever you have a thought, put an action behind it", my brain went to, "So fist fight my supervisor every time he pisses me off? (which is a daily occurrence). Done and done, don't need to tell me twice!!!!