Keynote Leadership and Team Speaker Michael Rogers | The Care to Lead Minute - What Is Your Level of Commitment? | Servant Leaders
Leaders must be completely committed to their own personal development and their commitment to their teams and organizations. Real commitment creates real results. Be a leader who is completely committed. Your leadership depends on it. Put the CARE into your leadership today - be committed.
Get Michael's book "Do You Care to Lead?: A 5-Part Formula for Creating Loyal and Results-Focused Teams and Organizations," for specific ways to commit yourself more to your leadership. It includes a number of practical tips for becoming a Care to Lead Leader. Get the book here:
Do you want keynote leadership speaker Michael to speak at your next event: Call at 888-310-3338 or email Michael at or visit his web site at Michael also does half day, full day and two day workshops with leaders and organizations as well.
Please subscribe to Michael's channel for more great leadership tips.