Every artist needs a space, a space where they could speak and showcase beyond boundaries. An artist spends so much time and effort in creating a craft that many of us at times don't get to see and only a few of their creations gets picked up and celebrated across the world.
MIC CHECK is a space where there are no hindrances for an artist to showcase and speak their minds through their music.
In a nutshell we could say that it definitely is music for the soul.
Credits :
SONG - 1 Se 23
Written & Performed By - KARMA
Music - Deep Kalsi
Mixed & Mastered By - Deep Kalsi
Video - Director Grim
Label : AK Projekts
#Karma, #AkProjekts, #MicCheck
Here it on
iTunes - music.apple.com/in/album/mic-check-season-1/144900…
Hungama - www.hungama.com/song/1-se-23/45699654/
Saavn - www.jiosaavn.com/album/1-se-23/Ohm2gaeNB-k_
Gaana - gaana.com/album/mic-check-season-1
Wynk Music - wynk.in/u/GuMw70Fol
Spotify - open.spotify.com/album/5v55UJcxsVATien8aTFoxN?si=p…
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