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Learn Hangeul 한글 (Korean Alphabet) in 30 minutes

00:00 Introduction to 한글
00:40 Consonants
06:41 Basic Vowels
11:12 Let’s read Korean words! #1
16:45 Breaktime & Encouragement
17:06 Compound Vowels (Diphthongs)
22:38 Let’s read Korean words! #2
24:54 Double Consonants
27:30 Final Consonants (Batchim)
35:55 Outro

To learn about Final Consonants in more detail, watch this video :    • All About 받침 (Batchim): Korean Final ...  

For the entire Hangeul Playlist, check here :    • Korean Alphabet, Pronunciation & Reading …

For corrections and additional notes, please check the pinned comment in the comment section :)

📚 All-You-Need Korean for Absolute Beginners
Paperback: amzn.to/3zzB1Ot
eBook (full) : a.co/d/9N8ofjZ
eBook (Hangeul Chapter Only): a.co/d/g5kQu3q

To preview the book's content, feel free to watch this video:
   • All-You-Need Korean for Absolute Begi...  
If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Hope you found my class helpful, and do keep it up! 화이팅 (hwa i ting - it means cheers as an encouragement!)

Here's the review of the lesson:

자음 consonant
14 basic consonant
ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ,
ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ
기역 ㄱ g, 니은 ㄴ n,
디귿 ㄷ d, 리을 l
미음 ㅁ m, 비읍 ㅂ b
시옷 ㅅ s, 이응 ㅇ silent/ng,
지읒 ㅈ j, 치읓 ㅊ ch,
키읔 ㅋ k 티읕 ㅌ t,
피읖 ㅍ p, 히읗 ㅎ h

모음 vowels,
ㅏa, ㅑya, ㅓuh, ㅕyuh, ㅣi,
ㅗoh, ㅛyoh, ㅜooh, ㅠyooh, ㅡeu,

나비 butterfly, 도시 city, 하마 hippo,
나라 country, 소녀 a girl, 아기 baby,
커피 coffee, 오이 cucumber, 우리 us/we,
다리 bridge or leg,

Vocabulary 2
아니 no, 아니요 no, 바구니 basket,
버스 bus, 우유 milk, 이야기 story,
모자 hat/cap, 파스타 pasta, 라자냐 lasagna,

Vowels 2
ㅐae, ㅒyae, ㅔae, ㅖyae,
ㅚ wae, ㅘ wa, ㅙ wae,
ㅟ wi, ㅝ wuh, ㅞ wae,
ㅢ ui,

Vocabulary 3,
애기 talk story, 새 bird, 네 yes (formal),
예쁘다, 왜, 과자 snack,
쉐이크 shake, 웨이터 waiter, 의자 chair,
위 up, 뒤 behind,

쌍자음 double consonant,
ㄲ Spanish g, ㄸ Spanish d, ㅃ p as in apple,
ㅆ s as i sun, ㅉ zh(dj) as in 真(zhen)

받침 Batchim (final consonant)
ㄱ 각 낙 막 박, ㄴ 간 잔 칸 판,
ㄷ 닫 맏 믿, ㄹ 갈 날 달 말,
ㅁ 감 남 담, ㅂ 밥 삽 깁 흡,
ㅅ 깃 놋 닷 옷, ㅇ 방탄소년단 BTS ,
ㅈ 갖 겆 짖, ㅊ 읓 젗 닻 돛,
ㅋ 해질녘 부엌, ㅍ same as ㅂ,
ㅎ 좋아 놓다,

ㄲ 낚 삮 same as 닉 삭
ㅆ 했 있 same as 햇 잇

Vocabulary 4
대한민국 Republic of Korea
낚시 fishing
돛단배 sailboat
믿음 belief, faith
말굽 horse, hoof
옷걸이 hanger
방탄소년단 BTS
지다 to bark
갖다 to have
같다 same
해질녘 sunset
높다 high
좋은사람 good person
끝 the end

잘했어요 good job!

안녕 Bye (or hi)
Connect with me here:
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/explorekorean
Website: www.explorekorean.net/
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