The Seitengewehr 98/05 bayonet, also known as the 'Butcher Bayonet' was one of the main types of bayonets for the Gewehr 98 rifle used by the Imperial Germany Army during World War One.
The a.A, or alter art, translates to old type. This is the first version of the SG98/05 bayonet that has high muzzle ears and no flash guard.
I discuss the bayonet, it's condition and show my efforts trying to free the stuck catch.
For more on the history of this bayonet, check out Imperial German Bayonets
• Imperial German Bayonet 98/05, WW1 "b...
All subjects featured on this channel are shown for historical and informational purposes only. All gunsmithing work is intended to restore the item to it's original condition, never modifying to serve any other purpose. In no way, shape or form is anything featured on this channel ever intended to be sold at any time. Any messages regarding selling a firearm, ammunition or an accessory will be removed. Everything shown is legal where the creator is located, please check your local laws.
00:00 Bayonet
01:16 Stuck catch
05:15 Free
05:30 Working it back and forth
08:35 Lightly carding
09:40 Forcefully mounting on the rifle