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Complete FlightRadar24 Build on Raspberry Pi and SDR Dongles. ADS-B AIRCRAFT RADAR System Part 1

There are a few programs that allow you to track commercial airlines Worldwide with something as simple as a smart phone. Now what I'm interested in is actually detecting planes in my location and contributing to the overall system by sending this data into my chosen platform via the internet. This video mainly talks about FlightRadar24 but there are others such as FlightAware. To be able to receive and capture the data automatically sent from the planes overhead I am using a Raspberry Pi single board computer, SDR and an antenna. Thats about all you need part from power and an internet connection.
This is part 1 of a 2 part video and explains exactly what I have done and some of the results I'm getting. I have a 24/7 rig running at the moment with a second experimental one. This experimental rig will allow me to try out different antennas, SDR USB dongles, antenna cable lengths and locations, active USB cables etc while keeping the main rig on-line. In part 2 I'll release the improvements or not, I've made by swapping in and out various components.
The main part of the system, apart from the Pi is the SDR dongle, which stands for Software Defined Radio. Put basically, its a device that is able to pick up electrical transmissions on a very wide range of frequencies from the humble pop music station to the Space Station! Literally!! With the right software the possibilities are endless. Some SDR's are better at, for instance picking up 1090Mhz, the band I'm looking for. Thats where the experimenting is coming in, using different dongles and LNA's (low noise amps and filters).
I've linked in important sites below where you can get all the information you need on SDR's and what I'm trying to do, ADS-B AIRCRAFT detection as well as many of the components I've used.

Part 2 of this video series here:    • Complete FlightRadar24 Build on Raspb...  
Part 3 of this video series here:    • Complete FlightRadar24 Build on Raspb...  

FlightRadar24: www.flightradar24.com/
FlightAware: flightaware.com/
SDR Blog site: www.rtl-sdr.com/
SDR Blog page about ADS-B: www.rtl-sdr.com/adsb-aircraft-radar-with-rtl-sdr/

Components used:

SDR Blog V3 R860 RTL2832U dongle amzn.to/47jvCYa
SDR Blog USB dongle amzn.to/3Qw3Cay
FlightAware Plus USB dongle thepihut.com/products/flightaware-pro-stick-plus-u…
SDR Blog LNA amzn.to/3BRVI7B
Electrical water proof box (black) amzn.to/3JGta2G
Electrical water proof box (orange) amzn.to/3A8puDE
Saxon saw blade 100tooth amzn.to/3QqLgbH
Raspberry Pi 3b+ thepihut.com/collections/raspberry-pi/products/ras…
Raspberry Pi 4b 2gb amzn.to/3rqj6Wz
Raspberry Pi 4b 4gb amzn.to/3JVu1h8
Raspberry Pi 4b 8gb amzn.to/44j95sL
Raspberry Pi Zero W thepihut.com/products/raspberry-pi-zero-wh-with-pr…
Raspberry Pi PSU for Pi 4 amzn.to/3PasdRd
Raspberry Pi PSU for Pi 3 amzn.to/3d4HTrR
60cm 5.5db antenna thepihut.com/products/60cm-1090mhz-antenna-for-ads…
120cm 8.5db antenna shop.pimoroni.com/products/ads-b-1090-mhz-antenna-…
1m N type male to sma antenna cable thepihut.com/products/sma-male-to-n-type-male-ante…
5m N type male to sma antenna cable thepihut.com/products/sma-male-to-n-type-male-ante…
10m N type male to sma antenna cable thepihut.com/products/sma-male-to-n-type-male-ante…
MK metal double socket amzn.to/3SDwwrm
HDMI 5” touch screen display amzn.to/3zHb0cC
3mm plastic pillars amzn.to/3djxCs9
32gig Micro SD card amzn.to/3SOolsr
Aerial mast (look around for cheaper) amzn.to/3A9Lmic
Right angle short USB cables amzn.to/3JDHU2h
Active USB 2 10m cable amzn.to/3JGsYAu
Active USB 2 20m cable amzn.to/3A8oQ9m
Self-amalgamating tape amzn.to/3P9Vxrb
Ferrite Ring RFI EMI Noise Suppressors amzn.to/3JGnupt

*Full disclosure. Some of the links above may earn a few pennies for the channel at absolutely no cost to yourself. Thanks for watching. *
