▣ UPDATED VIDEO: "15 Hidden Features Found in the Developer Options"
• 15 Hidden Secrets in the Developer Op...
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The Complete Developer Options Video Guide! In this video, I explain every single setting that is within the Developer option in great detail. If you ever wanted to know what that specific setting meant in the developer options, this video will most likely explain it. So sit back, grab your coffee, and enjoy!
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0:00 Developer Options Explained
2:07 How to Enable Developer Options
2:52 First Section of Settings
8:10 LINER
10:03 Debugging
14:30 Networking
19:30 Input
19:47 Drawing
21:18 Hardware accelerated rendering
22:59 Media
23:16 Monitoring
23:42 Apps
28:05 Autofill
28:43 Storage
28:55 Final thoughts