Throughout the past year I journey alongside Ash Ketchum and his 25 year long Pokemon Journey from his first moments in the series all the way to him becoming World Champion and continuing on to become a true Pokemon Master. This video serves as an all in one version of the 8 part series I created this year minus the extra bits that weren't directly the journey along with all of the movies. Enjoy!
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Jordan Fringe Gaming: @JordanFringeGaming
Written By: Jordan Fringe
Edited By: Jordan Fringe, David Strickland & Jackson S.
Channel Art By: Jerry Meehan
Intro - 0:00
Indigo League - 4:04
The Orange Islands - 1:04:23
Johto Journeys - 1:20:01
Johto League Champions - 1:42:42
Master Quest - 1:55:32
Advanced - 2:29:51
Advanced Challenge - 2:54:38
Advanced Battle - 3:04:23
Battle Frontier - 3:19:45
Diamond & Pearl - 3:31:39
DP: Battle Dimension - 4:13:37
DP: Galactic Battles - 4:45:48
DP: Sinnoh League Victors - 5:00:08
Black & White - 5:14:10
BW: Rival Destinies - 5:41:17
BW: Adventures In Unova - 6:10:37
BW: Adventures In Unova & Beyond - 6:33:51
XY - 6:41:42
XY: Kalos Quest - 7:13:03
XYZ - 7:33:07
Sun & Moon - 8:27:39
Sun & Moon: Ultra Adventures - 9:09:22
Sun & Moon: Ultra Legends - 9:45:26
Journeys - 10:25:32
Master Journeys - 11:07:26
Ultimate Journeys - 11:26:44
To Be A Pokemon Master - 11:52:06