Watch XENO rules video
• Video
Part 1: • 【中田敦彦vsDaiGo①】〜異能の心眼〜【XENO ゼノ】
Part 2: • 【中田敦彦vsDaiGo②】 〜原点にして頂点〜【XENO ゼノ】
Talk: • 【DaiGo×中田敦彦】心理学でYouTubeヒットの法則を徹底分析!
[The 2nd Battle] Nakata vs Hikaru
Part 1: • 【中田敦彦vsヒカル①】〜強運のカリスマ〜【XENO ゼノ】
Part 2: • 【中田敦彦vsヒカル②】 〜嘘という光〜【XENO ゼノ】
[The 3rd Battle] Nakata vs Takafumi Horie
Part 1: • 【中田敦彦vs堀江貴文①】 〜戯れる鬼〜【XENO ゼノ】
Part 2: • 【中田敦彦vs堀江貴文②】〜逝ってらっしゃい〜【XENO ゼノ】
Cards and Effects
10 Hero (Hiding / Reincarnation)
9 Emperor (Public Execution)
8 Spirit (Interchanging)
7 Scholar (Selection)
6 Noble (Showdown)
5 Death (Infectious Disease)
4 Maiden (Guarding)
3 Fortune teller (Seeing through)
2 Soldier (Investigation)
1 Boy (Revolution)
10 types, 18 cards
10(Hero) and 9(Emperor) are one each,
Other numbers are two each
Simple Guide
・Hold a card from the deck
・Draw another card and add it to your card
・Pick either one and put it face up on the table
・The other player must follow the card's effect
・When no cards are left in the deck, the player with a higher number must win
・When one player can drop the other player out of the game with his/her card effect, the game ends
• 【コラボ】中田敦彦さんの読書術を初公開
A collab video with DaiGo: • 【コラボ】中田敦彦さんの読書術を初公開
DaiGo's channel:
XENO cards, a regular set (770 yen including tax)
Available for purchase on:
Purchase XENO cards, a luxury set
Available for purchase on:
Publisher: XENO official
The theme song, “XENO”
Available for purchase on:
Atsuhiko Nakata Online Salon, "PROGRESS"
Atsuhiko Nakata's 2nd YouTube channel / @nakatatalks
TikTok University, Atsuhiko Nakata's TikTok account
Atsuhiko Nakata's official website
Atsuhiko Nakata's apparel brand "Kofukusenno"
#XENO #DaiGo