A step-by-step tutorial on continental knitting and purling like a pro.
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This video aims to show you how I knit in continental style in slow-motion, super high resolution, and from various different angles. Each section of this video puts the focus on a different aspect of continental knitting. My goal is to therefore help you improve your tension and stitch definition by showing details that are rarely talked about or shown on camera.
It all starts with how to cast on to not leave out the beginners from using this video as a starting point. It then talks in great detail about the continental knit stitch and how to purl continental style. The last part of this tutorial is all about real life examples of me knitting an actual project in my actual knitting chair and my actual posture.
0:00 Introduction to continental style knitting
1:36 How to cast on continental style
7:22 Casting on in slow motion
8:45 Finger position and tension methods in continental knitting
11:38 How to do continental knitting
14:39 Continental knitting in slow motion
15:47 Ways to improve tension and stitch definition in continental knitting
22:32 Yarn & stitch transportation
26:48 How to purl continental style
27:57 Continental purling in slow motion
28:39 Tension and stitch transportation while purling
33:37 How to switch between knitting and purling in continental knitting
35:56 Real life examples of me knitting from various angles
38:52 Purling from various different angles
41:23 Last words of advice
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