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2 guns - 2 guys - Me & Lofty are back on the rabbits.
Get exclusive discount here!
MANBILY Carbon Fibre Tripod shorturl.at/iSCQS (Discount code: LVC40)
MANBILY "Ball-head" Saddle Clamp shorturl.at/7h1xK (Discount code: LVC02)
/ @lancsvermincontrol More content here
Equipment used:
FX Impact .25 FAC (960fps)
DNT Zulus 5-20X uk.dntoptics.com/a0of1f
Wildman slugs 39gr www.wildmanslugs.com/ Discount code: LANCSVERM20
MANBILY Carbon Fibre Tripod shorturl.at/iSCQS (Discount code: LVC40)
CZ457 22LR (16")
SAK moderator
Arken Zulus 5-20X uk.dntoptics.com/a0of1f
Eley Subsonic 38gr
MANBILY Saddle Clamp: shorturl.at/hiovL
Primos Trigger Sticks (Gen3)
HikMicro Falcon FQ35 PRO Thermal Monocular
Why rabbits thrash after a headshot: • If HEADSHOTS kill INSTANTLY, why all ...
All animals in this video are legally and humanely shot under the terms of English law and/or under licence.
I do receive a small commission from the Arken & Manbily Affiliate links above in this video's description.
I only promote products that I truly believe are of good quality, value for money and a benefit to the viewer and user.