[Twitter] twitter.com/yomedanikumiko
#vtuber #envtuber #mahjongsoul
(Live) #yomekumilive
(General) #yomekumi
(Meme) #yomememe
[Viewer Rules]
1. Be nice, no spamming or trolling and please ignore any such comments.
2. Don't bring up other streamers/streams, don't bring me up in other's streams
3. Talk in any language, I can only speak English and some Japanese.
4. Be respectful of my desire for a comfortable space.
5. Don't backseat please. Criticism or info is fine though.
My mamas:
Ramdear ラムディア (Illustrator, @ramyun109)
Suge すげ (Live2D Modeller, @suge0101)
Original BGM and Shapez music by Peppsen @PetterSumelius
also some music from dova-s.jp, and Blue Archive (Mitsukiyo, KARUT, Nor)
Pixel art assets - A火ゆ @Akayu_Pixel
Aris art by @BlueSechi SechiHyeo
Thumbnail art @ueji_bun