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How Each Second of Your Life Contains 3000 Worlds?

Liked the video? You will love this Book - Nichiren Buddhism: A Guide to Creating Happiness, Health and Abundance Through Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo at Amazon - a.co/d/ehqVLUR

eBooks - books2read.com/u/3R7dMp

I periodically get messages and responses from people along the lines of, "Victor, I really like what you're doing. How can I help?" I used to be pretty shy about this, because I was bad at accepting help. But now that I have a Mission that I think is more important than myself, I think it's important that I get past my own hangups and allow people to help me, so that I can help others in turn.

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Recommended Read:
Buy Gongyo eBook w/ SGI Prayers — (White Font) — shorturl.at/EekiA
Buy Gongyo eBook w/ SGI Prayers — (Yellow Font) — shorturl.at/aQfVN

Thank you very much.


We share our interpretation of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and Nichiren Buddhism. Your support helps us spread this message. However, we're not affiliated with any sect or organization, and our content is for educational purposes only. It's not professional advice. Research further and consult experts for a complete understanding. We don't endorse any specific religious organization. Use discretion when viewing.

