Hey y’all and welcome to Monner’s Market!! Here you’ll find farmhouse-inspired DIYs, high-end dupes, thrift flips, projects I make with wood and so much more! If that sounds like something you’re into and like learning about then I’m your girl and this is your channel!! So stick around and I would love it if you would consider subscribing to my channel! Hit the bell and click the “all” option and YouTube will notify you every time I upload something new!
Welcome to my “ High End Shabby Chic Decor on a Dime” video!! Today’s video will be four high end shabby chic themed pieces that I am extremely proud of! The first is a an adorable planter that is so precious you will definitely want to recreate it. The second one is Dollar Tree gift box that I gave an adorable facelift. The third one is a smaller version of the first gift box. And fourth is actually the top to the box of the second DIY. Hopefully you will enjoy the video.
If you are new to my channel, and you are here for the first time, welcome!!! My name is Brenda, but my grandkids call me Monner. I’m so glad you stopped by to see what my channel is all about. I would love it if you would consider subscribing, but either way please leave me a big thumbs up and comment and let me know what you think about my “High End Shabby Chic Decor on a Dime” video!
Thank you for coming, thank you for watching, and be sure to come back!ll
Playlist: • TRY IT TUESDAY|JAN '23
My Social Media/Email/Website Accounts:
My Website: monners-market.business.site/
Keyhole Mold: amzn.to/40f6Ftv
Clay: amzn.to/3wIN9Ih
Wood pieces - Woodpecker Crafts: woodpeckerscrafts.com/?rfsn=6038289.4be280
Knob legs: amzn.to/3wKf4Yq
Dollar Tree Boxes: www.dollartree.com/voila-foil-gift-card-holders-wi…
Dollar Tree Box with scalloped edges: www.dollartree.com/whimsical-nesting-rectangular-g…
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCm2khCq9PcA_yci_qfWq0Uwcom
Instagram: www.instagram.com/monnersmarket
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Monners-Market-101668197924735/
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@monnersmarket?_t=8WdUcPKAqfW&_r=1
My Special/Important Links:
My Chalk Couture Shopping Link: www.chalkcouture.com/monnersmarket/products
My Club Couture Monthly Club link: www.chalkcouture.com/monnersmarket/Club
To sign up as a designer, click this link and follow the directions: www.chalkcouture.com/monnersmarket/enrollment/pack…
My Buy Me A Coffee Link: www.buymeacoffee.com/MonnersMarket
Plaid (Crafting supplies): plaidonline.com/
My Sola Wood Link: solawoodflowers.com/?ref=brendacochran
BeeBee Crafts: www.beebeecraft.com/