How To Complete Fhenix Testnet For A Potential $1600 Airdrop Reward Confirmed
@FhenixIO is an Ethereum L2 and coprocessor utilizing FHE for on-chain confidentiality.
Now, let's get straight to deploying the contract and save time for other airdrops.
To start, bridge some Sepolia ETH to Fhenix by visiting
To obtain funds on the Fhenix Helium chain, join their Discord channel through the link…
Next, navigate to the "bot-commands" channel and type "/quests" to view the available quests. The first quest will involve deploying contracts, (Tap on the number 1)
Click on "1" to create a new temporary channel where we can verify our deployed contracts. Let's deploy contracts on Fhenix now!
Next, visit and create a new file. I named my file "kryptotalker.sol," but you can choose any name.
This is the code to copy
find it here:
Next, select the third option, "Solidity Compiler," and click "Compile," as shown in the image.
After it compiles, proceed to the fourth option, "Deploy and Run Transaction," and choose the injected provider, "Metamask."
Finally, click "Deploy" and confirm the action in M3tamask.
After successfully deploying a contract, wait a moment before returning to Discord to verify the deployment.
You can complete various social tasks in the same way to earn points, which might be helpful later on.
That's all for now. I'll keep you updated.
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