A great nonprofit website should be easy to understand, optimized for its audience, and have a clear call to action, just like a well-designed for-profit site. Unfortunately most nonprofits don't have the budget for proper design and UX work, leading to sites that are ineffective and confusing.
In this webinar we'll go through the most impactful ways you can improve your nonprofit website to make it represent your mission and work toward your goals.
PDF of Presentation: balsamiq.com/assets/learn/videos/webinars/webinar-…
Website UX Reviews "First Impressions" with Paul Boag: balsamiq.com/learn/videos/website-ux-reviews/
Countryside Classroom website review: balsamiq.com/learn/videos/website-ux-reviews/stude…
School on Wheels website review: balsamiq.com/learn/videos/website-ux-reviews/nonpr…
Live Wireframing Sessions - Helping Nonprofits: balsamiq.com/learn/videos/live-wireframing/nonprof…
Live Wireframing Session with Teen Success: balsamiq.com/learn/videos/live-wireframing/nonprof…
Article "Common Website Mistakes and How to Fix Them": balsamiq.com/learn/articles/website-mistakes/
Article "How to Use Wireframes for Content Modeling": balsamiq.com/learn/articles/wireframes-content-mod…
Article "How to Wireframe Your Website Copy. A Step-by-Step Guide": balsamiq.com/learn/articles/wireframing-website-co…
Article "Wireframing Website Copy for Product People": balsamiq.com/learn/articles/wireframing-website-co…
Article "SaaS Website Design: Lessons From Real Users": balsamiq.com/learn/articles/saas-website-design-le…
Article "Perfect Landing Page Wireframes": balsamiq.com/learn/articles/perfect-landing-page-w…
Article "Content-First Design: Let the Content Determine the Design": balsamiq.com/learn/articles/content-first-design/
Article "How to Design a Landing Page: Balsamiq Cloud Case Study": balsamiq.com/learn/articles/designing-landing-page…
Level up your wireframing, creativity, and communication skills with Balsamiq Wireframing Academy: balsamiq.com/learn/
Free courses: balsamiq.com/learn/courses/
Articles: balsamiq.com/learn/articles/
Videos: balsamiq.com/learn/videos/
The Process Behind interviews, best practices from experts: balsamiq.com/learn/videos/the-process-behind/
Website reviews: balsamiq.com/learn/videos/website-ux-reviews/
And more resources: balsamiq.com/learn/resources/
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