Jakarta is the world's second-largest city and the capital of Indonesia, but it is sinking into the sea. This is the race to save it.
Key sources and videos quoted:
Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown bit.ly/3Kmn4oj
Jakarta is Sinking! • Jakarta is sinking! - Equator from th...
Jakarta is the World's Fastest Sinking City • Jakarta Is The World's Fastest-Sinkin...
Asia's Sinking Cities: Jakarta • Asia's Sinking Cities: Jakarta | Insi...
Jakarta Kota Air (Part 1) • JAKARTA KOTA AIR (Part 1) - Jakarta, ...
Jakarta Unfair (Full Version) • JAKARTA UNFAIR (full version)
Why Jakarta is sinking • Why Jakarta is sinking
Indonesia Pollution: Jakarta tries to clean world's filthiest river • Indonesia Pollution: Jakarta tries to...
Let It Flood: Ciliwung Delta by Bindi Purnama bit.ly/3PKERqB
Subscribe for city profiles:
All other research links:
Indonesia's new capital • Indonesia’s New Capital Nusantara: A ...
34 million urban area population demographia.com/db-worldua.pdf
Demographics, economy of Indonesia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia
Employment shift to services from agriculture bit.ly/3PQMTxZ
World's second-longest coastline bit.ly/2T66SfJ
Jakarta growth from space 1990-2019 go.nasa.gov/3An8994
Capitalism and the Dutch East India Company (Batavia) • Capitalism and the Dutch East India C...
Indonesian Independence 1945 • Indonesian Independence - 1945 | Movi...
Fewer than 1 million have access to piped water bit.ly/3ct5mmy
Sinking 3 times faster than a few years earlier bit.ly/3ALgLYs
Talking trash in Jakarta • Talking Trash in Jakarta
$40 on Great Garuda Sea Wall (Guardian) bit.ly/3TgSocj
Indonesia's giant capital city is sinking (Nat Geo) on.natgeo.com/3pIqF6K
Why Indonesia is moving its capital (Real Life Lore) • Why Indonesia is Moving Their Capital...
Nusantara construction begins [video] • MUANTEP BOS KU PROGRESS NYATA PROYEK ...
Indonesia passes law to relocate capital to Borneo • Indonesia passes law to relocate capi...
Indonesia picks winning design for its new capital • Indonesia picks winning design for it...
Why do countries move their capital cities? econ.st/3PP9kns
Softbank’s exit from Indonesia’s new capital project bit.ly/3wweBcE
Jokowi is considering extending his term econ.st/3wrQV95
TransJakarta en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TransJakarta
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Jakarta, Indonesia's MEGACITY: The World's Second Largest City
0:00 Introduction
1:11 Welcome to Jakarta
2:55 'Urban planning gone horribly wrong'
3:09 History of Jakarta
3:56 Suharto comes to power
4:30 Land subsidence explained
4:56 Sinking 3x faster
5:29 Historic flooding
6:32 Raising their homes
7:15 The problems with channelization
8:34 Floodplain development
9:15 Kampungs resettlement
10:55 The rising sea
11:47 Great Garuda Sea Wall Megaproject
12:48 A New Capital: Nusantara
14:11 Questions surrounding Nusantara
15:19 A City worth saving
16:21 Piped water for all
16:58 Creating more greenspace
17:30 Building an aquatic metropolis
18:07 Floodproof homes
19:12 Tiny homes on stilts
19:44 How Kampung Tongkal was saved
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