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How America Is Confronting The 'Forever Chemicals' Crisis

Toxic PFAS "forever chemicals" are now in the bloodstream of virtually every single person in the world. This is a look at this alarming problem, the ways Americans are working to solve it, and some common sense steps you can take to prevent exposure.
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Information sources:
Shocking NYTimes PFAS in Sludge Investigation www.nytimes.com/2024/12/27/climate/epa-pfas-fertil…
Valley elementary PFAS test results edu.fcps.org/ves/sites/ves/files/VES_PFAS_Results.…
Watch Documentary “The Devil We Know”    • The Devil We Know  
Video: Maine PFAS expert panel (Dr. Segal)    • Exposing Forever Chemicals: PFAS Cont...  
Video: Dairy farmer Fred Stone    • Fred Stone and PFAS  
New York’s sludge wars are personal ambrook.com/research/environment/sludge-biosolids-…
Maine sludge regulation mainemorningstar.com/2024/05/28/a-call-for-sludge-…
Maine’s sludge disposal problem wgme.com/news/i-team/report-shows-maine-could-face…
California’s actions www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/2021/10/lan…
State-by-state PFAS action tracker www.saferstates.org/bill-tracker/?toxic_chemicals=…
Maryland PFAS action plan mde.maryland.gov/PublicHealth/SiteAssets/Pages/PFA…
EPA introduces PFAS limits www.epa.gov/newsreleases/biden-harris-administrati….
EPA PFAS road map www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2024-11/epas-pf…
Forever chemicals and advanced filtration methods www.nsf.org/knowledge-library/forever-chemicals-ad…
$79 at-home water test kit cyclopure.com/product/water-test-kit-pfas/?srsltid…
Video: Maine PFAS expert panel (Dr. Miriam Taleb)    • Exposing Forever Chemicals: PFAS Cont...  

Last summer, this elementary school learned that their well water was contaminated with toxic chemicals, so they switched to drinking bottled water.

It’s a situation that is playing out in wells, rivers and lakes and farms all across the country.

The culprit is PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, basically any kind of carbon atom that’s had all of its hydrogens replaced by fluorines. This compound is used in many products because it is extremely effective at resisting heat, water, stains, and oils.

But because PFASs are nearly impossible to break down, every time we wash or throw away and landfill products containing them, they enter our environment, contaminate our water and food supplies. They are increasingly associated with health issues like birth defects and cancer.

The danger PFAS poses came to light when a class action lawsuit showed that the chemical giant DuPont had - for years - been dumping thousands of tons of it into America’s freshwater supply, even though they knew how hazardous it was. The settlement resulted in tens of thousands of residents participating in a study that found strong links between drinking water contaminated with PFOA and diseases like kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, and high cholesterol.

“There’s a fairly good causal link between these chemicals and the development of not only obesity, but diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive dysfunction like Parkinson’s disease.”

A recent NYTimes investigation revealed that much of the sludge in the US is contaminated with PFAS and that one of the leading manufacturers of it, chemical giant 3M, knew PFAS was linked to serious health consequences and that the company’s scientists had discovered it in sewage all over the country. But when they shared this information with the EPA in 2006, the agency did nothing.

Most disturbingly, the sludge-spreading program continues, with over 2 million tons applied annually on more than 4 million acres. Over the decades, farmers have permits to use sludge on as much as 70 million acres–that’s 20% of all the farmland in the country.

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