Addicted to the Mouse
HAUNTED MANSION PARLOR Review - The BEST Disney Lounge at Sea? | Disney Treasure

We're taking you with us as we try ALL of the specialty cocktails and get all three of the souvenir mugs in the Haunted Mansion Parlor - the best lounge on Disney Cruise Line's newest ship, the Disney Treasure. From the secret messages imprinted on the drink foam to the Hitchhiking Ghosts in the Bar Mirror, this space blew us away. Enjoy!

If you need help planning your next magical vacation to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts or a Cruise, please check out Fantastical Vacations here:

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We can be found at www.addictedtothemouse.com and be reached at danandleslie@addictedtothemouse.com

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Royalty-free music by Epidemic Sound. Here is our referral link to where we find all of our music:

#disneycruise ​​​​#hauntedmansionparlor #disneytreasure
