I cover all the brands I know, discuss what’s out there, what types of paints you can get then answer the “what’s best” question with the real answer, which nobody wants to hear but everyone needs to understand.
00:00 - Intro
00:22 - Types of paint
01:31 - Painting terms
02:16 - Brand rundown
05:15 - But what are the best paints?
05:45 - Let me explain
07:39 - There we go
Brands I mention:
Citadel: citadelcolour.com/
Vallejo: acrylicosvallejo.com/en/
The Army Painter: thearmypainter.com/
Two Thin Coats: www.duncanrhodes.com/ttc-paints/
AK Interactive: ak-interactive.com/product-category/paints/
Ammo by MIG: www.migjimenez.com/en/
Kimera: elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/kimera…
Pro Acryl: monumenthobbies.com/collections/pro-acryl-paints
Formula P3: www.kickstarter.com/projects/steamforged/p3-paints
Green Stuff World: www.greenstuffworld.com/en/
Badger Stynylrez: www.badgerairbrush.com/Paints.asp
Instar: shop.instarpaint.com/
Tamiya: www.tamiya.com/english/products/list.html?genre_it…
Humbrol: uk.humbrol.com/catalogue/paints/acrylic-paints
Villainy Inks: grimdarkcompendium.com/vi-resource-page/
Darkstar: www.darkstarmini.co.uk/
Mr Hobby: www.mr-hobby.com/en/index.html
Get all the info you need: